Warm Palettes and Plaid Patterns for Wallpaper

As the colder months come upon us, the need for redecoration arrives. Choosing a theme including a warm range of colors makes the room feel cozy, and what better feeling than having a cozy room to sit in front of a fireplace in. Warm colors can include a range of browns and tans, which can be spruced up with fun patterns such as plaids. Plaid can be a great choice if you want a simple yet stylistic wallpaper for your house. Especially around fall and winter time, people break plaid flannels out of their closets. Why not celebrate changing weather with warm plaid wallpaper! In the close up example below plaids are shown with shades of brown as base colors and complemented with greens and tans which are popular favorites. 

Plaid wallpaper on closet door
Plaid wallpaper on closet door
Warm colored plaid wallpaper with translucent light switch plate.
Plaid wallpaper with translucent light switch plate

Also shown in the above pictures are ways to smoothly transition wallpaper in your home. For example installing wallpaper on the doors in a room, such as the image on the left. A very simple solution to harsh breaks throughout the house and blends decor throughout the home. Another solution is to use a transparent light switch plate, shown in the right image. This seamlessly blends wallpaper through the wall for those who don’t love the look of plain white covers which may break up the wallpaper’s pattern. There are a wide variety of warm colored wallpapers available at our store and online. Don’t forget to check out the selection!