Does the man in your life have a man cave? If so, he probably spends plenty of time there, watching sports, playing music or games, hiding from the kids, or just relaxing! Whether he’s into baseball or golf, sprucing up his cave with an inspiring sports theme will have everyone in your house cheering!

We came across this picture from the DIY Network. For the New York Mets fan, this oasis is a perfect alternative to the ballpark. Still, adding some baseball themed wallpaper to the front of the bar would really give this some punch! Or an MLB chair rail border on the blue wall would really make that wall more interesting!

In this clubhouse, any golfer will feel at home…still there are great ways to incorporate some golf themed wallcovering. Use a border to customize the coffee table or the TV stand, frame small pieces of golf pattern wallpaper or use decals throughout the space.
These are just a few ideas for using wallpaper in your man cave. We’d love to hear your ideas as well! The possibilities with wallcovering are truly endless…just let your creativity loose!