Wallpaper is easy to hang
You can do it alone without a gang
Just read our easy-to guide
And put up those rolls side by side
If done right it will not show a seam
And the finished product will look like a dream
Collectively, the employees at our store have been hanging wallcovering for over 200 years. That is a lot of experience and a lot of learning. It has never been easier to achieve a perfect installation. During the month of June we will be featuring a series of Wallcovering Installation tips to help you achieve your project goals. We will start with ‘3’ simple thoughts.
1. Start with an Easy Piece. This will help you get the feel of the paper before you have to tackle a challenge. For example, some installation guides recommend starting with a corner but we offer an alternative thought. We suggest starting one strip away from a corner. For example, if working with a paper roll that is 20.5″ wide, make a mark 19″ from a corner and install the first piece going away from the corner and then the second piece going around the corner or continuing away from the corner–it is your choice. Once you have learned the particular characteristics of the paper, you will be ready to tackle the corner(s).
2. If you are tired and have one more easy piece to do, hold off until the next day and start with an easy piece.
3. If you have a loose seam. Take a warm wash cloth, wring it out and warm the seam repeating the process 5 times. This is important to soften the paper so it won’t get too cold and start to curl. Once the paper is properly warmed up then apply vinyl to vinyl adhesive. The seam will be good as new.
For additional information on the easiest way to have a perfect wallpaper installation job refer to the special Installation section in our online store Tips on Installing Wallpaper.