Rifle Wallpaper refers to a new line of wallpaper that has a vintage vibe. The line includes many patterns that share a William Morris feel.

The colors are soft and muted and do not shout. The patterns are full of whimsy and build on the best of Arts and Crafts patterns of the early 1900s and also work well with Swedish Modern décor of today.
Rifle Wallpaper designs range in tone from neutral beige and white to dark tones of Black, Green, Navy Blue. When primary colors are in play they tend to be in off shades of olive green or burnt orange, for example, rather than stark and loud.
There are many bird and nature motifs including cranes, peacocks, and small songbirds.
Rifle started as a stationery company and has over the years branched out to wallpapers. Founded by husband-wife team Nathan and Anna Bond in 2009 and based in Winter Park, Florida this is a brand for the ages. They are known for bold colors, handpainted floral looks and whimsical characters.
Rifle Wallpaper is now known as the go to wallpaper company for patterns that are pretty, striking, and classical. Some even contain metallic finishes, further enhancing the overall look.
We are able to provide any Rifle pattern from any Rifle book in any quantity.